Ideas & Perspectives

Reality HR was created to support new and growing HR career professionals

We know every one of these positions holds its own challenges and often there isn’t full support for the career owners due to a number of obstacles that may be impacting their organizations and leadership.  We first confirmed this through our own experiences and then by survey of HR careerists in various stages of their career journey.   For every HR problem solution, the best answer is: “it depends!” That’s because there are many variables that impact even similar situations that occur in different companies! That’s why we decided to look at things through various stages of the HR profession from college students, young professionals, to those already in the field. Our specialty uses our combined knowledge and energy to deliver solutions that are uniquely designed to meet your professional and organizational objectives.

Reality HR is engaged with a strong professional HR network, and brings their wisdom and good will to the table with us.  We spark engaging and meaningful conversations that create synergy and inspiration for your career and your organizational goals. It takes a village, and even if you are a solo HR operator, we are here to be your village.